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Nyhet fra 29.10.20:
Real life, real experiences, real horror..
Spennende prosjekt fra blant annet Skei fra Manes. Sammen med Anna fra Cellar Darling (og x-Eluveitie)
«Det er litt eksperimentelt, litt som Manes» forteller Haavard fra Aftermath Music, som var så kul at han lot kjøre førpremière. Singelen, som kommer ut i morgen, slippes både digitalt og fysisk, vi snakker 50 kopier, 7-tommersingel, limited, her er det bare å kaste seg rundt og
. Singelen er enkeltstående, og ikke en del av prosjektets tredje album, som det jobbes med.
«Lethe is a metal/triphop/electronic/pop/experimental project featuring Tor-Helge Skei (Manes, Manii etc) and Anna Murphy (Cellar Darling, ex-Eluveitie), as well as a long list of external contributors… The band was started in the end of 2012, as a
and T
musical and artistic experiments, and right from the beginning, the main rule has been that there are no rules, no expectations, no compromises..
The band has been categorized as a lot of things, genre-bending, style-bastardization, eclectic, and even just plain weird, but even if experimentalism and fuck-all-rules is an important factor, the band is not afraid to incorporate melody and catchiness into the music. Lethe is something unique, something personal and quite different… Lyrically and conceptually, Lethe is like a journey through the back alleys of the human mind/psyche, through dreams and nightmares, paranoia, mental breakdown, inner darkness.. No religion, fantasy, or pretend play.. Real life, real experiences, real horror..