Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

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Det er kun mulig å forhåndsbestille denne mellom 7. og 9. mai, følg med i bandets sosiale plattformer (hjemmesiden
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«Paying respects to the Soviet Union forces in WWII and on time for the Russian Victory Day on May 9, the Swedish heavy metal heroes will release their new single Defence of Mosco‘ on May 7.
The song is a cover from Russian superstar Radio Tapok who has a huge following in Russian speaking countries and who gained popularity by covering rock and metal songs in the Russian language. Defence Of Moscow follows last year’s successful collaboration between Sabaton and Radio Tapok on the live version of The Attack Of The Dead Men.
In order to give Defence Of Moscow the salute it deserves, Sabaton created an extraordinary and strictly limited 7» vinyl in Red with a beautifully etched B-side. This rarity is only available for pre-order between May 7 and May 9, so make sure you place your order before it is too late!»