Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Da er det snart klart for skivelsipp, her har du nok en smakebit.
«With quite a few tempo and mood changes, Dragged To Hell shows Nervochaos’ most eclectic side, still extreme, still heavy as fuck, still dark, but allowing the song to breathe and injecting it some different atmosphere.
All Colors Of Darkness, albumet, kommer 11. februar via Emanzipation Productions. Digitalt format, cd og lp er det du kan velge, isistmevnte er svart/oransje og gjennomsiktig vinyl, det er presset 300 av hver).
Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music for tips.
Nyhet fra 17.12.21:
Tredje singel/video fra brasilianernes kommende skive.
Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music for tips.
«On Beyond The Astral, their third video and digital single taken from upcoming album All Colors Of Darkness, Brazilian death metal titans Nervochaos fire all cylinders. A fast and aggressive death metal song with just enough thrash influences to make it crisp and a guitar lead that will haunt you for days. Beyond The Astral is prime Nervochaos and the death metal fat meat from the strong meal that All Colors Of Darkness will be.»
Nyhet fra 26.11.21:
Andre singel fra det kommende albumet.
Goblet Of Fornication is a fast, aggressive and technical tight
song, with a vocal attack resembles Sepultura’s early works. The more thrash riff in the
middle section brings a welcome break to the savage assault of the song, showing all
firepower of the Brazilians. And the dark and ritualistic video totally matches this
Nyhet fra 29.10.21:
For fans av Vader, Krisiun, Sinister og Morbid Angel.
‘Wage War On The Gods’ er singelen, albumet, ‘All Colors Of Darkness’, kommer ut via Emanzipation Productions tidlig neste år. Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music for tips.
«Fed-up with the entire trend flooding the scene, Nervochaos was born in São Paulo, Brazil in the spring of 1996, with the idea of creating aggressive and chaotic extreme music.
The band gained cult status in the music scene due to their hard work over the past 25
years, offering a sonic extravaganza in their unique way. The group has nine full-length
studio albums out and is constantly touring worldwide to support their releases, doing
around 100 concerts per year – from clubs to festivals.»