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Kal-El, nytt album

Ny video fra dette iransk/norske bandet.
Tak til Tom Brumpton for tips.
Bandet om låten: «Hegemony is an anthem to all the freedom fighters! Those who know that they can’t just be passive and don’t want to be just an audience!
I personally do believe that before setting anyone free first we should set ourselves free from all the imagery chains that society, politics and religion that put on my hands and feet. That’s when you can be that flame that can light up the millions!»
Nyhet fra 07.10.21:
Groove-/nu-/hardcoreband fra Teheran.
«The down-tuned groove and ravaged vocals bring 90s acts like Korn to mind. But there’s also a modern death metal sound that introduces us to the band’s new direction.»
Frontfigur Nikan, som startet bandet tilbake i 2010, fikk låten ‘Megalodon’ i gang ved å tenke på tiden han satt i fengsel i Iran, fengslet av myndighetene.
Nikan er bosatt i Norge, og det var her han skrev og spilte inn låten.
«Megalodon describes the need for
justice in the mind of a political prisoner. Being locked up in jail and released on bail,
forced to live in obscurity. Many people think you’re gone, and you don’ exist anymore,
and it makes them happy!»
But the beast observes and waits for its day of reckoning. Like Megalodon, an ancient creature that everyone thinks they are extinct. But there are rumors that they still exist and live in the depth of the ocean. When you least expect it the monster can resurface and eat up any massive animal, just to disappear again.»
Khosravi and Arash Ilkhani (DJ/sampler) faced arrest and prison in Tehran, following the release of the band’s second album in 2015. Both musicians obtained refugee status in Norway in 2018 and have been playing across the country. They recently opened for Mayhem at Festspillene i Nord.»
‘Megalodon’ er første singel ut, mastringen tok Machine (Lamb of God, Suicide Silence, Miss May I m.fl.) seg av. Albumet ‘Revenge At All Cost’, kommer tidlig neste år.
Takk til Tom Brumpton for tips.