Da var første smakebit fra det kommende albumet her.
Kal-El, nytt album

Bilde, fotograf: Ukjent
Svart metal til folket.
Espen forteller til Heavymetal.no at bandet slapp sin første offisielle singel tirsdag denne uken. Wormhole Death fylte på med litt presseskriv, som blant annet forteller at bandet jobber mot et album.
«Noxium Ferus have recorded 9 songs, that are more or less finished, in a homestudio, and are working on a 10th track which will be the titletrack for their planned 1st album – Blasphemicon.
Brutally Hurtful, or Viciously Harmful, or Ferociously Obnoxious- take your pick! Noxium Ferus is the latin form of these descriptions, and the band is completely uncompromising in their musical identity and content. Call it Death metal, call it Black metal, call it extreme metal- it doesn’t matter, it is brutal, and it is any way they want it to be!»