Amon Amarth, nytt album

Amon Amarth 22

Nytt album fra svenskene i starten av august. 

Selskapet bak er Metal Blade Records, releasedato er 5. august, og tittelen er svulstig: ‘The Great Heathen Army’. 

Amon Amarth@www

Vokalist Johan Hegg
«Overall The Great Heathen Army is one of the heavier albums we’ve made. There are some dark and heavy songs that are really powerful and in-your-face, but we obviously have some trademark melodic Amon Amarth songs on there as well, and a few surprises too. It’s a really well-balanced album. It sounds great. Andy Sneap is awesome. It was great to be able to work with him again.»


  1. Get In the Ring
  2. The Great Heathen Army
  3. Heidrun
  4. Oden Owns You All
  5. Find a Way or Make One
  6. Dawn of Norsemen
  7. Saxons and Vikings
  8. Skagul Rides With Me
  9. The Serpent’s Trail

Amon Amarth