Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

Da er siste del av pandemiprosjektet lastet opp, Morten slapp Adrenalize i dag klokken 16:00.
«The track features Caterina Nix (Chaos Magic) on guest vocals.»
Nyhet fra 27.08.22:
Ny lå kom på plass i går.
Dette er spor 11, med gjestevokalinne i form av Linda Toni Grahn (Anima Veil, ex-Follow the Cipher).
Morten Veland: «
I am proud and honoured to introduce Linda Toni Grahn from Anima Veil (ex-Follow the Cipher) as my special guest for The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions. The 11th song is entitled Forever and Beyond, and is a very powerful, groovy and quite uptempo track. Linda has a really cool signature voice with a great diversity that fits perfectly for this track. I feel truly privileged and thankful to have Linda on board this project, and I am really looking forward to sharing this song with you all. Forever and Beyond is an awesome addition to The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions.»
Linda: «It was a fantastic collaboration with Morten during this song. Super nice and friendly and easy to work with! From the beginning I felt that his way of creating music was in line with my own sense of what I want to sing. The melody and lyrics suited me very well. I really love this song, it’s both heavy and brutal but also soft and elegant. Wonderful work and I just want to say: Thank you Morten!»
Nyhet fra 20.07.22:
Tiende låt fra prosjektet Morten Veland drifter.
Bilde av Zora, ©Zora Cock
Nyhet fra 20.05.22:
Bilde, fotograf: Marko Simonen
Ny låt fra prosjektet er online. Denne kom online for litt siden, men jeg bomma litt på ferskvaredatoen, uansett er det sikkert noen som ikke har fått den med seg.
‘Veiled in Despair’ har Heidi Parviainen fra Dark Sarah som gjestevokalist.
Morten: «
I am proud and honoured to introduce Heidi Parviainen from Dark Sarah as my special guest for The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions.
I have followed Heidi’s work for a very long time, and I find her voice and vocal capabilities absolutely stunning. Every time Heidi starts singing I get instant goosebumps. The way that she pours emotions into everything she performs and her technical level is absolutely flawless. I feel truly privileged and thankful to have Heidi on board this project, and I am really looking forward to sharing this song with you all. This song is very doomy and melancholic and it has a very soundtrack-like vibe to it.»
Heidi: «
I felt honored when Morten asked me to sing on his new song, love his work and
this song is very cinematic and atmospheric! I did the recording in the middle
of Dark Sarah´s new album Attack Of Orym recordings and it was a very refreshing
change! The song itself is very intimate, etheric, melancholic and I could say
very Nordic too! You can almost hear the evergreen forests, misty meadows,
fjelds and fjords when you close your eyes.»
Nyhet fra 11.03.22:
Bilde, fotograf: Mats Vassfjord
Prosjektets åttende sang er klar, vokalinne er:
Erica Ohlsson fra Metalite. Morten forteller at han er beæret over å ha henne med.
«When I first started working on this project I was spending quite a lot of time looking for bands in the genre that was new to me. I was curious what was going on in the scene, and I finally had the time to update myself. One of the bands that I discovered early on was Metalite, I really liked their modern and catchy style of metal, and I was instantly blown away by Erica’s amazing voice. I feel truly privileged and thankful to have Erica on board this project, and I am really looking forward to sharing this song with you all. This song is more of an uptempo song, I find it very powerful, atmospheric and catchy.»
Nyhet fra 07.02.22:
Nytt kutt fra den pandemiske ep-en.
«Morten Veland released the 7th Mortemia song from The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions on the 29th of January. The track was entitled Here Comes Winter and features Maja Shining (Forever Still) on guest vocals.»
Nyhet fra 10.12.21:
Bilde, fotograf: Ukjent
Nå er det klart for en ny låt fra Mortemia, gjestevokalist er:
Brittney Slayes fra Unleash the Archers.
‘My Demons and I’ sjekker du ut under her.
Morten: «
I am proud and honored to introduce my friend Brittney Slayes as my special guest for The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions.
Me and Brittney toured together back in 2016, when Sirenia and Unleash the Archers toured Europe along with 3 more bands. Brittney instantly impressed me on all levels with her incredible vocal performance, hard working ethics and kind personality. Brittney has an extremely huge vocal range and a very powerful voice that I instantly thought would fit perfectly for this song. I feel truly privileged and thankful to have Brittney onboard this project, and I am really looking forward to sharing this song with you all. This song is definitely one of the heaviest songs I have ever written.»
«The second Morten reached out to me to collaborate. I knew it was a no brainer. We’ve toured together in the past and he is such a rad, talented guy; I was honored to be included! Then when I heard the song I knew immediately I had made the right choice. It is super catchy and yet still really heavy, signature Morten writing style, I was very excited to get in the studio and see what I could do! I can’t wait for you all to hear it!»
Nyhet fra 07.07.21:
Lyricvideo/ny låt fra prosjektet ‘The Pandemic Pandemonium Sessions’.
Death Turns a Blind Eye er den andre singelen fra prosjektet, og inkluderer Marcela Bovio (MaYaN, Dark Horse White Horse) på gjestevokal.
Nyhet fra 04.06.21:
Morten forteller at han etter elleve år bestemte seg for å vekke Mortemia til live igjen, og at det denne gangen dreier seg om et litt annet konsept enn før.
Morten: «Prosjektet er kalt The pandemic pandemonium sessions
, og det vil bli lansert en ny låt hver måned framover, hver med en kjent og profilert metalvokalist.»
Sakset fra pressemelding: «Mortemia to me is kind of a journey back to the Nineties, as the songs are very much inspired by this decade musically, whilst my other band Sirenia is more of a journey into the future, musically speaking. This first song is just the beginning and I am very excited by all that will follow. I feel truly honored and privileged to be working with such talented singers, and I can’t wait to share more songs with you all in the time to come.»
Først ut er Madeleine Liljestam fra det svenske bandet Eleine, låten hun synger på er ‘The Enigmatic Sequel’.
Madeleine: «Jeg ble først av alt beæret når jeg fikk spørsmål om dette samarbeidet, og når jeg hørte sangen visste jeg at dette var noe jeg ville ta del i. Morten har fanget en spesiell følelse i denne sangen, som gjør den interessant, mystisk og fengende.»
Bilder, foto Morten: AngstImWald, foto Madeleine, Rikard Ekberg.