Bandet kommer med album i vår.
Eluveitie, skive og Oslobesøk

Det er ikke for deg som vil ha det organisk og skittent.
Rafal Bowman og Chaos Over Cosmos har vi vært innom før, nå forteller han til at det er ny skive ute. Den kom ut i går, 9. november, og går under stilforklaringen
«…technical melodeath/progressive metal».
Tittelen på skiva er ‘A Dream if Ever There Was One’.
«Chaos Over Cosmos is an international (from 2021 polish-american, previously polish-spanish and polish-australian) progressive metal project of two guys who never met each other, done completely online.
A Dream if Ever There Was One is our fourth album. As always in every song there are lots of very technical solos and shredding guitars. Our typical s-f synths are present too, but at the same time this is the heaviest album we ever recorded.»