Her er det bare å henge seg på :).
Lumsk med fremmede toner …
Bandet stiller med skive i mai, 16 år etter forrige slipp.
Albumet, Fremmede Toner, kommer via 5. mai, lp,. cd og digitalt format er alternativene.
Takk til Patricia Thomas Management for tips.
«We really would like to thank those of you who patiently have waited and asked for news from us. The support from different places around the world have been important and moving to witness. It makes the enormous effort behind this album worth it in every way. We hope you will enjoy the album and the concept. It might be strange to hear Lumsk in German and English, but we are really satisfied with the result.
This concept is also reflected on the album cover by Per Spjøtvold, someone with whom the band has worked since the beginning, and, with mixing by Rhys Marsh at Autumnsongs Recordings, and Mastering by Arnstein Fossvik at AudioMaster«.
- Det Døde Barn
- En Harmoni
- Avskjed
- Under Linden
- Fiolen
- Dagen er Endt
- Das Tode Kind
- A Match
- Abschied
- Under der Linden
- Da Veilschen
- The Day is Done
Nyhet fra 16.11.21:
Trønderne har funnet tid til å folkrocke litt igjen.
Og jeg vet mange har savnet bandet. Selv setter jeg debuten høyt, de senere ble litt snillere, men live var de alltid til å stole på.
Nå melder Patricia Thomas Management at gjengen har signert kontrakt.
«Dark Essence Records have inked a deal with Folk Prog Rockers, Lumsk, a band that describes itself as
a seven headed troll that combines traditional or traditional-inspired elements from Norwegian folklore and poetry with progressive rock and metal.»
Bandet består i dag av:
- Mari Klingen vokal
- Siv Lena Laugtug Sæther fiolin
- Eystein Garberg gitar
- Roar Grindheim gitar
- Espen Warankov Godø keyboard
- Espen Hammer bass
- Vidar Berg trommer
Bilde, fotograf: Ukjent