Bandet kommer med album i vår.
Eluveitie, skive og Oslobesøk

Trioen stiller med nytt album til sommeren, smak her.
Bandet mistet dessverre bassist Ole Sletner i kamp med kreft tilbake i 2019, men Ole var med i skriveprosessen til dette albumet, Paleolithic War Crimes. Bandet har fått med seg Nico Munkvold på bass live.
«When the writing process for Paleolithic War Crimes began back in 2019 Ole was still very much onboard and naturally his presence continues to reverberate across all frequencies with those who knew him best. None more so perhaps than with Ole’s brother Eivind, who now joins the band as lyricist and designer.
Ole’s passing was and still is devastating, but after some time the two of us found the motivation and desire to continue and finish what we had started. In many ways this new album reflects a band in transition and exploring new paths, but at the same time it retains that proper heavy Karloff-vibe.»
Albumet kommer 2. juni via Majestic Mountain Records, og hvor kassettversjonen blir å finne med logoen til Evil Noise Recordings.
Det blir releasekonsert i Oslo 9. juni, @Revolver.