Stonerbandet stiller i hovedstaden i oktober.
:BOLVERK:, mørk tid
Bandet kommer med skive, teaser her.
‘Svarte Sekunder’ inneholder ni låter, og kommer via Wormhole Death 26. mai.
«Eight :BOLVERK: originals and a stunning cover of Jonas Fjeld’s ’The Bells are Ringing for You Now’. It can be seen as the twin or at least a cousin of last year’s debut album Uaar. The majority of the songs were written during the same period, and while we can sense that the band has grown with this new release, the underlying philosophy of both albums remains the same.
The album’s title was initially about those moments when one falls over and thinks they are dead. However, it evolved into exploring the concept of thanatosis and how people and animals play dead. It may even be about those moments on the album that are actually black metal.»