Festivalen inntar Rockefeller med et par band 15. mars.
Tons Of Rock Kick Off 2025

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13. mai:
14. mai:
Nyhet fra 22.03.23:
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Nyhet fra 03.03.23:
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Det kommende albumet, ‘Delightful Sharp Edeges’, dukker opp på Apollon Records 12. mai. Skiva er et konseptalbum om menneskehetens skyggesider.
«The album deals with genocide. The record is a three-part narrative that takes the listener on a musical and lyrical journey into the horrors and tragedies of organized liquidation on a massive scale.»
Singelen, ‘The Memory Division’, tar for seg en av de ondeste og mest grufulle hendelsene i moderne tid.
«The Memory Division is the cornerstone of this new album. The song is an account of how Herman Sachnowitz was caught and deported, together with his family, to Auschwitz in the autumn of 1942. Combining classic heavy riffs and a proggy approach to the arrangements fit the story perfectly.»
Bilde, fotograf: Arash Taheri
Bildet er tatt på Oslo Holocaustsenter, og kler konseptet veldig bra.