Perracide, videopremiere

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Perracide dropper ny video i dag, vi tar tipset fra Fernando@Mighty Music på alvor og deler følgende video:


Nyhet fra 31.03.23:

Perracide 23 Foto Soile Siirtola Extre M Metal

Bilde, fotograf: Soile Siirtola/extreMMetal

Svensk dødsmetal. Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music for tips.



«The cult Swedish drummer Perra Karlsson (Nominon, Nasum, Nifelheim, Deströyer 666, Benediction, etc) finally goes solo, with a death metal album that respects his legacy and features some of the friends he made over the years in the scene. Horripilation is the first single from the album, and it kicks ass.

Horripilation has 
enough old-school death metal DNA to throw you in a violence spree and make you 
believe it’s 1989 again.»

Album kommer til sommeren.