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UKĆ, videopremiere
Polsk enmannsband med videopremiere. Tipset kom fra Dom@3Nation.
Videoen under, ‘Fading Away’, som omhandler rasisme, er hentet fra et kommende album (‘Coming Out’, 18.08.23).
«UKĆ, a one-man project from Poland founded by Łukasz Icanraz Sarnacki has unveiled the next single and music video in support of the album.»
Om låten forteller
Icanraz at det som fikk ham til å skrive denne var «… events happening very close to my place of residence, i.e. the story of refugees from the Middle East detained on the Polish-Belarusian border. It’s still going on, but no one talks about it anymore, because the topic has grown old and is no longer media relevant. The text tells the story of a 6-year-old boy who, after losing his entire family, escapes to Europe on his own in search of a better life. The song touches on symbolic and social issues and emphasises how easily we succumb to insensitivity related to problems that do not concern us.»
Bandet startet i byen
Białystok i Polen tilbake i 2017, og er et soloprosjekt. «Łukasz is responsible for all instruments (vocals, drums, guitars, bass, keyboards), compositions, lyrics and production. Łukasz is known from his work with bands such as Corruption, Christ Agony, Devilish Impressions, Hermh, Abused Majesty, Virgin Snatch, Darzamat, Voidfire and many more.»