Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Danskene er ute med sin andre singel fra et kommende tredje album. Det melder Fernando@Mighty Music.
«With its super sludgy low-tuned riff, the song has the band reach out into more melodic territory in its huge chorus, without compromising on the band’s signature heaviness.»
Nyhet fra 03.03.23:
Bilde, fotograf: Rasmus Alenkær
Det svinger bra når danskene drar på.
Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music, det er MM som slipper skiva
Bandet har hatt reunion, gitarist og vokalist Niels Beier er tilbake, og da beviser de ifølge presseskrivet at «….they are at the top of their game, with their explosive new outing.
With a fast, massive and thundering riff, plenty of drum fills to go around and a shattering
bass line, Black Oak County invites you into their familiar yet renewed sonic universe. With
Beier and Kristensen sharing vocal duties on a dangerously catchy hook, and plenty of
guitar solos that’ll make you break out your favourite air guitar.»