Da var første smakebit fra det kommende albumet her.
Kal-El, nytt album

Bilde, fotograf: Terkel Christensen
Livevideo fra gjengen, melodiøst og drivende.
Med 25 år på baken og 5 skiver ute, kan man vel kalle de veteraner. Det er Fernando@Mighty Music som tipser.
«With a 25+ year career and five studio albums released – the last of which Danmark in 2022 – Danish death metal veterans recently headed to South America for an epic presence in Brazil’s Setembro Negro Festival. In Carioca Club, São Paulo, they played the packed venue in a line-up that also included Sodom, Hellhammer, Bulldozer, Vulcano and Cancer, among many others.
From the festival, Thorium gathered live footage that now make up the images for the A Crown To Obscurity video, which the band is releasing this week. Death metal, sweat ‘n underground brotherhood closely tied together in one of the heaviest and tightest tracks from the album Danmark. «