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Chemtrails over Oslo

Bandet kom i dag ut med ny låt fra sitt kommende album.
‘The Head That Wears The Crown’ er hentet fra skiva ‘Old Eyes, New Heart’, som dukker opp 26. januar via Bergensselskapet Dark Essence Records.
Om sangen: «The Head That Wears The Crown is a typical example of how Madder Mortem’s song writing works, combining an intensely melodic, nearly baroque verse with a down-tuned, heavy-handed riff-based refrain very suitable for banging your head. The lyrics deal with how there are some lines that will not be crossed and some things that will not be handed out for free, not even for love.»
Old Eyes, New Heart by Madder Mortem
Nyhet fra 15.11.23:
Bilde, fotograf: Yvonne Bune
En veldig spennende nyhet ankom redaksjonen i dag. Takk til Patricia Thomas Management for tips!
Bandets åttende album ventes 24. januar via Dark Essence, titulert ‘Old Eyes, New Heart’. Vi smaker på ‘Towers’ i dag.
«…this is not a band that wanders aimlessly through the genre minefield. Madder Mortem know exactly what they are doing and where they want to go, and have had almost 30 years to hone their very considerable skills. Skills that will be used to good effect on what will be the band’s 8th full-length album».
Om låten: Drawing inspiration from grunge, post-metal and 70s rock, Towers is about how people sometimes create defences in their heads to protect themselves. However, those defences can become too strong over time, and what was once built to lock out, becomes something that locks in.»