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Stormfullt kaos

I forbindelse med Record Store Day kommer denne perlen på lp.
Selv bryr jeg meg null om Record Store Day, men ville tipse dere som ikke har hørt eller fått tak i denne. Den har tidligere kun vært tilgjengelig på cd, og ikke alltid så lett å få fatt i. For meg, selv om jeg synes de klassiske slippene er ok, har denne vært favoritten helt siden jeg hørte den for første gang.
«This year RSD will be April 20th and M-Theory Audio is proud to represent again with a special vinyl reissue and we are pleased to bring you a limited edition 2LP colored vinyl reissue from Bay Area Thrashers Forbidden for their 2010 comeback album, Omega Wave.»
Skiva kommer 20. april, i 1000 ex., og blir tilgjengelig på klar vinyl, der en del av opplaget har blå splatterflekker, og den andre rød, dette for å reflektere fargene i «…Kent Mathieu’s (Exodus, Possessed, Autopsy) stunning artwork of the crystal skull with the red and blue flying skulls reminiscent of his work on Forbiddens 1988 debut.»
» Additionally, this gatefold 2LP will include a 4-page insert featuring lengthy and personal liner notes from guitarist Craig Locicero recalling the era when the band reformed, wrote and recorded this cherished effort along with an extra band photo from Alex Solca and revamped layout by Forbidden fan and Metal Church/Ross the Boss singer Marc Lopes.»
Gitarist Graig: «In our opinion, Omega Wave may be Forbidden’s strongest and most complete effort. That’s no disrespect to our first four offerings and the amazingly talented musicians that contributed to them. Those are all untouchable in their time. After the years off, we had clear perspective and a new inspiration to make the best possible thrash record we could. We feel that we accomplished it.»