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Cavaleras schizofreni
Bilde, fotograf: Kevin Estrada
Schizophrenia kom nylig ut i nyinnspilt utgave. Du kan sjekke ut bandet live på Tons Of Rock på lørdag.
Gøtta har dratt på seg naglene og barsket seg opp, og har levert en sprek nyinnspilling.
«Schizophrenia is an iconic album in terms of early thrash and death metal, a household name for those of us invested in extreme metal. This was the point where the Cavaleras refined their dark, dingy, speed-influenced songs, into something a bit more mature, developed, and technical. Decades later, they have once more unlocked the asylum that is Schizophrenia, opening the doors to that banished, twisted recording which will be unleashed unto to world on June 21st via Nuclear Blast Records.»