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In Vain, endringer
Bilde, fotograf: Jørn Veberg
Avlysning av konsert i Kopervik, og vokalistproblemer.
Johnny@Karmøygeddon forteller at de dessverre fikk en avlysning fra In Vain i forbindelse med konserten 17. august.
«…dette grunnet at Andreas på vokal slutter i bandet og Sindre kan ikke spille live på en stund grunnet private grunner. Dette er veldig trist for både bandet In Vain og oss i Karmøygeddon Metal Festival.
Erstatter ble klar på kort tid, og det blir ingen ringere enn selveste svenske The Unguided, og vi takker bandet for å stille opp på kort varsel.»
Her er pressemeldingen fra bandet vedrørende vokalistene:
«Sindre has unfortunately informed us that he is, due to private reasons, not able to perform live for the foreseeable future. It is important to note that he is not leaving the band, but will stay on the sidelines and not be able to participate in any upcoming gigs.
Sindre’s announcement came as a shock to us, however we have a great understanding and respect for his reasons. Shortly after, we were hit with another surprise. Our other singer, Andreas, has decided to leave the band. Unfortunately, this means that we need to cancel our show in Kopervik with Rioter This is the first show we have ever cancelled and we are sad to not make it to Kopervik, something we were looking forward to. But it is simply not practically possible to make it happen. We hope to return in the future on another occasion. On a more positive note, we have secured a replacement singer for our other gigs, and we will share more details on that soon.
Andreas is one of the two founding members of In Vain and has been a part of In Vain for more than 20 years, contributing with his ravenous black metal vocals and lyrics. We are thankful for his contributions.»
Andreas sheds some light to his decision: «After 20 years with In Vain, it is with a heavy heart I have decided to part ways with the band. This was by far not an easy decision, but I felt that I have reached a crossroad that forced me to either step up my commitment or step down completely. Unfortunately, I am not motivated enough to be a part of pushing the band to the next level. It has been 20 good years, but as you know, all good things comes to an end.
In Vain will always remain in my heart. All the good times we’ve shared together on the road and the recording sessions, especially for the first three albums, is something I will never forget. I remain deeply grateful for all the countries and cities we have visited, and to meet so many good people along the way. A big salute to all of you that have followed and supported us throughout the years, who has come to our shows and cheered us on. You were my biggest inspiration!
To the current band members and all the people of In Vain, including past members and Indie Recordings, thank you so much.
All the best, Andreas.»