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Album kommer 6. september.
Nyhet fra 25.06.24:
Black Sun, et Finsk/Equadorsk metalband.
Musikken er langt fra innovativ, men det er litt befriende med en så sterk kvinnelig vokalist som trøkker på. Musikken er plain metal, no more, no less. Albumet kommer 6. september, kos deg med videoen under, singelen er ‘Drown In Sin’.
Takk til Maren Maxeiner@Oktober Promotion for tips.
«Black Sun is an Ecuadorian-Finnish melodic heavy metal band that was originally formed in Ecuador by Nicolas Estrada (drums), Christopher Grünberg (guitar) and Santiago Salem (bass).
The band worked with a Finnish producer/mixing engineer and Thunderstone guitarist Nino Laurenne (Amorphis, Lost Society, The Rasmus) on their previous release Silent Enemy and started to talk about making music together. As a result, Black Sun joined forces with Nino.
After working with the guys as their producer, we became really good friends, which finally led me to become a guitarist in the band. Joining Black Sun really got me stoked about playing in a band again, and I can’t wait to hit the stage with Santiago, Nicolas and Christopher. And with Netta on vocals, it’s going to be the biggest kick in the butt!, says Nino.
Along with Nino, singer Netta Laurenne (Smackbound, Laurenne/Louhimo) also joined the band as the new lead singer. Black Sun is a band born and based on friendship. Getting to spend time and play music together is awesome., adds Netta. As a result, Ecuador and Finland are now bonded and represented by a band that is one of a kind. Black Sun is writing a new chapter, a rebirth as a band.»
Bilde, foto: Photoman Borja