Pâenil Era, romansk post-svart

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Erwin slapp sitt postblack-album 19. september, og ville dele musikken med oss.

«Pâenil Era is a post-black metal solo project from Timisoara, Romania, which started in 2012 initially under the name Signatura Rerum. Idle Cage is the 4th full length album and comprises 4 lengthy and linked songs, that total up to about 32 minutes.»

Erwin forteller at bandnavnet er et anagram for Pâlnie Rea, som på romansk betyr Bad Funnel. «Symbolizing a broken or partly functional filter that takes in a flow of subconscious dark thoughts, it represents an attempt to connect with the subconscious and give a voice to the dark side of the psyche.»

Tekstene tar for seg frihet, slit og flukt… «It’s about the desire to escape, and all the challenges that come with it.»