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Vornoff, ep
Jens fra Picture Ann, ambient og low-fi.
De som følger Picture Ann vet at dette ikke er låter som vi er vant til, dette er en kaskade og en ansamling av lyder og effekter som mange bruker som innstikk i sin musikk. Vornoff er et eldre prosjekt som Jens egentlig har lagt ned, men som av og til stikker hodet opp fra den fuktige og næringsrike jorda.
«Although laid to rest many years to go, the murky lo-fi ambient entity known as Vornoff has occasionally made their presence felt in the charcoal-stained underground by means of unearthing various previously songs and recordings from the vault – one of which is the bleak opus titled Disquiet, which is a twelve-minute musical odyssey through a bleak sonic landscape. While essentially a rough sketch that came about through experimentation, it is a personal favorite of its author and one that lends itself perfectly to quiet contemplation and agonizing loneliness, hence the need for a proper remastering. In addition to the remastered title track, the digital EP boasts two demo songs that harken back to the early days of the project, and which represent the outfit’s first attempts at writing and recording ambient-inspired material with plenty of rough and uneven edges to it.»