Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

Albumet ‘Bly’ (Indie Recordings) kom ut 24. januar, og er i følge presseskrivet bandets tyngste hittil. «…packed with deliciously brutal metal that tears at both soul and ears. An album where pounding basslines meet playful guitar riffs, and where the lyrics are infused with a mischievous irony while at the same time addressing serious themes such as loneliness, grief, and anger.»
Bandet om skiva: «Bly has no specific lyrical theme or concept, but the band has drawn inspiration from contemporary tragedies and conflicts, personal experiences, and – not least – humanity’s boundless stupidity.»
Nyhet fra 12.12.25:
Bare gjør det!
Indie Recordings tipset om ny låt fra bandet. Skive kommer tidlig neste år.