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Captain Black Beard, svensk melodisk hardrock.
Fernando@Mighty Music: «Classic Captain Black Beard on the third (and last) single release from the Swedish AOR heroes before their new album drops.»
Albumet, Chasing Danger, kommer 4. april, lp (gjennomsiktig vinyl, 300x) og cd/digital er formatene du kan velge i.
Nyhet fra 21.02.25:
«A superb rocker by the Swedish band Captain Black Beard» var beskjeden fra Fernando@Mighty Music. «AI Lover is a great AOR rocker that showcases guitar player Daniel Krakowski’s songwriting abilities and singer Fredrik Vahgren’s creativity with lyrics. You can hear how much fun Vinnie & Robert have grooving along to this one. «
Albumet ‘Chasing Danger’ kommer på lp (transparent blå vinyl, limitert til 300 x), CD
og digitalt. Releasedato er 04.04.25.
Nyhet fra 17.01.25:
«Like their Swedish countrymen The Night Flight Orchestra, Captain Black Beard grew up with the classic sound of bands such as Journey and Foreigner but found a way to take a renewed approach to it and own the AOR sound in such a bossy way that it draws the attention of a whole new generation of fans.»
Fernando@Mighty Music tipser om 80-talls pophardrockerne.
«When It’s Over has everything: a memorable chorus, an 80s saxophone, a cool breakdown, a great guitar solo, and lots of keyboards.»