Avatarium (lyricvideo)

Slangeyngel. Svenskene er ute med ny video, lyricvideo.


Nyhet fra 19.05.17:

Ny video fra svenskenes kommende skive. Les mer om releasedato etc. litt nede i artikkelen.


Nyhet fra 02.04.17:

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Nyhet fra 22.02.17:

Svenske Avatarium er snart klar med oppfølgeren til ravnemasken.

Skiva bærer navnet Hurricanes And Halos og fortsetter med det dette litt svulstige og mytiske. 26. mai er releasdato, så strengt tatt er det litt venmtetid før dere som liker bandet får uttelling, men kjenner jeg Nuclear Blast rett, vanker det nok tre-fire låter i forkant og minst ti webisoder :).

Sakset: «Once again, Avatarium rely on beauty and darkness, heavy guitars and fragile sounds, unique female vocals and the mystic vintage blues sound from the 60s, while still staying on modern ground and trusting into the haunting soul of doom rock. Six out of the eight new tracks were forged by Candlemass wizard Leif Edling, but guitar master Marcus Jidell and singer Jennie-Ann Smith also contributed to the songwriting and formed a worthy successor to »The Girl With The Raven Mask

Vokalist Jennie-Ann: «Recording Hurricanes And Halos has truly been an emotional roller coaster for me and I do think that has contributed to a pure and vibrating energy on the album. I am deeply proud of what we have achieved together,» 

Gitarist Marcus fortsetter: «It feels like the two previous albums and the EPs lead us to this one, it’s been a natural flow to where we are today, musical and emotional wise.»



Bandbilde. fotograf: Ukjent