Danny Larsen-utstilling (Oslo)

Danny Larsen Copyright

Danny Larsen holder utstillingen ‘Darkness’ på Kittelsenmuseet litt utenfor Oslo. 

Museet, som ligger ti mil vest for Oslo, huser Kittelsens samling av originaler, fra 1890 til tidlig 1900-tall. Hvert år huser museet en ny utstilling som enten er knyttet til Kittelsen eller i form av inspirasjon. I år er det Danny Larsen som skal vise seg fram. 

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Danny har, som Kittelsen, tilknytning til norsk metal, med linker til blant annet Satyricon.

«Like Kittelsen, Danny Larsen is closely connected to Black Metal music and has worked closely with the Norwegian band Satyricon, illustrating several of their products. He has also illustrated Wongraven Wines and Maeemo’s exclusive cook book.

Danny Larsen has had an international snowboarding career before he became an artist. Most of Larsen’s motifs are based on sites from his surrounding landscape. His home lies on the border to a vast forest, Krokskogen, and in this forest he searches for new motifs that are intimate and mystical rather than overpoweringly spectacular. In the darkness of the forest, light is also present, guiding you along the path. Thus, light is as important as darkness in the works by Larsen, as is the case for 

The artworks by
are in opposition to our fast-paced modern society. The 
artworks allow for reflection and to destress. Every element in the paintings have a purpose, a role.»


«Theodor Kittelsen is a Norwegian Black Metal icon. His art expresses the darkness of the North and has served as important visual imagery for serval musicians during the past three decades. Several works from Kittelsen’s Black Death series were used as cover art for album The Black Death (1992) by the Oslo-based band When. With the band Burzum’s two albums Hvis lyset tar oss (1994) and Filosofem (1995), Kittelsen became world famous. The former album used Kittelsen’s
Poor Man from the Black Death series and the latter used Kittelsen’s Tirelil Tove as cover art.

It is difficult explain how and why Kittelsen’s art and the Black Metal movement are linked. Perhaps it is because Kittelsen’s artworks express something fundamentally Norwegian, without a connection to a defined time or area? Or perhaps because his artworks express the same unexplained mystic aura found in Black Metal music?»

Utstillingen åpner 9. mai og kjører flat pedal til 20. september. Danny Larsen vil være til stede 16. august.