Sjodogg, vanskapningen er løs

Sjodogg 20

Duoen kom med sitt fjerde album i sommer.


Har du sjekket det ut? Er svart metal og avant gard stikkord som får deg til å spisse ørene? Det er Einar@Duplicate Records som tipser, klikk deg inn på Bandcampen
til selskapet eller hjemmesiden
om du vil ha et eks.

«Like a fierce creature,
grabs you by the neck and drags you through a
hellish sonic landscape in one 45-minute track.

A world of broken structures, smokefilled horizons and nothing but death.

As hopeless as it may sound, the production, execution and expertly arranged parts make for a captivating listen.

Just leave your preconceptions about conventional song structure and happy endings at the door – in the realm of Sjodogg such things don’t exist.

Confront the abomination that is Vanskapning at your own risk.

NB! As opposed to most contemporary recordings, Vanskapning benefits from analog recording and dynamic mastering, breathing life into the claustrophobic density of the grooves.

Vanskapning by SJODOGG