Conception gråter…

Conception 20

Fikk du med deg bandets nye låt, ‘Cry’?

Den er del av en ny utgave av albumet State Of Conception, som kom i fjor. Det pågår en crowdfunding for denne spesialutgaven, der det vil dukke opp mye ekstramateriale.


«The album will feature a host of new recordings, including new songs, re- recordings of some of their classic back catalogue, and a number of live performances.

The deluxe version of State of Deception is an acknowledgement from the band to address the fans’ call for making more material available. As well as the new recordings featuring alongside the original album on both CD and vinyl, the deluxe box set will also include a host of additional items, including instrumental versions of the album tracks, posters, an extensive history of the band with never before seen photographs, and exclusive competition access.»

‘Cry’, som du hører under her, var ifølge vokalist Roy et magisk øyeblikk.

«…a magical moment we captured when we undertook our re-entrance onto the metal scene after more than a decade apart.»


Konserter i 2022:

  • 19. mars: Gjøvik@Friscena
  • 29. april: Oslo@Rockefeller