A destructive birth…

Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice. Vi sjekker ut singelen Scumbag Human Race under her. Bandet hadde følgende å si om denne låten:

«Scumbag Human Race is a mercyless steamhammer of a track! Its relentless groove and energy are pushing you straight forward into the moshpit! This will be an intense live track and that riff can melt faces!
The lyrics are metaphorically speaking: how would this planet call us if it could talk?  And what would it tell us?  Right …wake the fuck up … SCUMBAG HUMAN RACE!!!!“


Formater på The Birth Of Malice:

  • 1 LP Liquid Vinyl Green/Red (with booklet and certificate) – sold out!
  • 1 LP Black Vinyl Bundle (with leather bracelet and bandana)
  • 1 LP Splatter Vinyl Red / Black    
  • 1 LP Splatter Green / Black         
  • 1 LP Translucent Verde
  • 1 LP Gatefold Black
  • CD Bundle (with leather bracelet and bandana)
  • 1 Digipak CD (with square patch)
  • 1 Digipak CD
Fotograf: Elena Vasilaki

Det foreligger også en dokumentarfilm om bandet, den ble nylig vist i Tyskland på en filmfestival, om den kommer på en eller annen streamingtjeneste etterhvert må vi bare avvente.