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Third Attempt, platekontrakt
Patricia Thomas tipset oss om at bandet nå sitter på kontrakt med bergensselskapet Dark Essence.
Vi leser i en uttalelse fra bandet at interessen fra selskapet allerede var der før de hadde hørt en tone:
«Dark Essence signalled their interest in the possibility of working together as soon as we announced The 3rd Attempt, even before they had heard anything, and they have kept in close touch, actually making the effort to attend rehearsals and get to know our new members. In the end, it came down to a decision as to whether we wanted to sign with a large label and, as a new band, risk disappearing in the depth of their rosters, or whether we wanted to work with a label who was genuinely interested in us as a band, and who would be with us every step of the way, in all aspects. We also heard many good things about Dark Essence from the musicians already signed to them, so, Dark Essence it is! We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us with preparing and rehearsing the new material ready to enter the studio, and we are excited to see what the future will bring».
Nyhet fra 09.02.15:
Patricia Thomas melder inn ny trommis i bandet, og vi noterer at de er aktuelle for sin livedebut i Bergen snart.
Trommeslager er Tybalt, kjent fra Fortid, Den Saakaldte og Patheon I, blant andre. Opprinnelig skulle Tybalt kun delta som session på årets Blasfest, men etter noen øvinger ble det bestemt at han skulle joine fast.
Bandet stiller på Blasfest 18. februar, under arrangementet Showline, en 5-timer lang båtreise med metal, og happeningen som kickstarter festivalen.