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Chemtrails over Oslo

Bandets manager Matthias Løken sendte over info på hva som skjer i Mysticum-leiren for tiden.
Fotograf: Peder Klingwall
«Norwegian industrial black metallers Mysticum have entered Fias Co. Studios with producer Sverre Dæhli (from Audiopain) to commence recording their highly anticipated sophomore album, the now legendary Planet Satan. Having achieved almost mythical status in black metal lore, the album has been rumoured since the late 1990’s, following the band’s debut release, 1996’s In the Streams of Inferno
Unifying the core trio of Herr General Cerastes, Svartravn & Mean Malmberg, ‘Planet Satan’ is currently set for a late 2014 release on Peaceville Records.
One of the pioneering industrial black metal forces to emerge in the early 90’s, Mysticum brought to the world a completely unique brand of psychedelic discordant black metal with insane drum machine patterns & synths. They were originally signed to Euronymous‘ Deathlike Silence Productions label, such was his belief in the band. However, this venture proved to be cut short following his death, forcing Mysticum to look elsewhere for the release of their eventual debut album, In the Streams of Inferno.
Label comment: «There is truly no other band quite like Mysticum. A perfect concoction of cold, primitive black metal & forward-thinking ideas from an act unafraid to push boundaries, the hell of In the Streams of Inferno has had a lasting & profound impact on many since 1996, & so it is finally time to welcome the return of Mysticum with the long-overdue arrival of Planet Satan to infect the masses once more».
Mysticum’s complete works to date, namely In the Streams of Inferno and the Lost Masters of the Universe collection had both recently been released in newly remastered and updated form by Peaceville.