Exlibris, polsk kvalitetsmetal

1. desember slipper Metal Mind skive fra denne gjengen, et band som har blitt kalt den nye metalsensasjonen fra Polen.

Aftereal er Exlibris
‘ tredje album, sjekk ut låten The Day Of Burning, som faktisk har en fiolinsolo :) 


Piotr Sikora, tangenter: «The Day Of Burning was one of the first songs we wrote for the album and at the same time a good example of how Aftereal differs from Humagination. Instead of a typical heavy-metal song we chose to focus on a more complex formula, full of interesting rythmic patterns. One of the solos in this song was performed by Zbigniew Wodecki – a legendary Polish violinist, trumpeter and singer who had never had anything to with metal before but proved that he could easily perform in any style of music.»

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