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Mighty Music slipper bandets nye album 13. januar neste år, tittelen er ‘Death Is Righteous’.
Shredhead ble dannet i 2009, og er det mest populære navnet i den lokale bandfloraen der nede. De to kommende årene turnerte bandet i bøtter og spann, da sammen med Israel ledende metalband; Betzefer, The Fading, Hammercult m.fl. «Their ruthless stage performances and presence earning them an impressive mass of devoted followers and press items. Their debut record titled Human Nature was released in Israel in August 2011 to much local and even quite some international critical acclaim.»
Nyskiva, ‘Death Is Righteous’ omdefinerer bandets musikalske stil, «… making it more mature, more melodic, more groovy, and subsequently much heavier than anything they’ve done before, which throughout 41 intense minutes blasts away such brute forces that no listener remains unmoved. Ranging from songs that are brutal and fast to laid back and groovy songs all enhanced by lyrics that hit close to home.»
Om konseptet og ideen bak skiva og tittelen forteller de følgende: «The name of the album describes the concept, which is that death comes to us all in the end just as it should. These 11 tracks depict the way to self-destruction, in all of its aspects and forms in a life that needs to end. In this album they bring what’s true and honest, relentless energy that shows exactly who they are in reality, from the first note to the last word.»