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Chemtrails over Oslo

Denne nyheten kom meg i hende nå idag, selv om de fleste nok har fått det med seg en eller annen plass på internett allerede.
Det er Wormhole Death som melder inn at de har sikret seg signaturene til Kristiansandsbandet, og albumet Rage And Fire kommer om ikke så altfor lenge. Nå er det en jungel av selskaper der ute, og når jeg sier at det var Grom Records som sendte meg nyheten, men at det var et underselskap der (Tmina Records) og Wormhole Death som står for signeringen, blir man ikke mindre forvirret vil jeg tro. Men skiva kommer, uavhengig av alle disse merkelige vriene i bransjen.
Smak heller på skiva du:
Bandet forteller dette i en pressmelding: «Guardians Of Time
are excited to announce that our new album Rage and Fire will be released in both Western and Eastern territories on Wormholedeath and Tmina Records early 2015. The album will be distributed by Aural Music. Rage and Fire consists of 10 songs of metal. Fast, loud and heavy. If you are a fan of screaming vocals, blasting drums and double neverending guitar solos you sure don’t wanna miss out on this one!»
Worm Hole Death Records: «I am absolutely proud to be part of this. Cooperating with our brothers at Tmina Records through their bands is always great and exciting. Guardians of Time are an awesome metal band and we are more than happy to support them and their new album. I am sure that this cooperation will lead us all to great results and I would like the guys for believing in us… We will do everything possible to support them! Now, let’s stop talking and listen to their music, they deserve it!»
Tmina Records: «Since Tmina Records was born we hardly awaited our chance to sign some serious Heavy Metal band. Heavy Metal in it’s original form with crushing riffs and highlight melodies. After so many years our quest is over and we couldn’t get better example of what we wanted but Guardians Of Time! After 3 studio albums, thousands of touring kilometers Guardians are back with the new brutal recording that will definitely show to all that real Heavy Metal is still alive and strong. Prepare yourselves for Rage And Fire!»