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Galar, tredjeskiva snart klar (smakebit)
Dark Essence Records melder inn release på Galars tredje album.
Duoen M. Kristiansen og A. B. Lauritzen er, sammen med trommeslager Phobos fra Aeternus og en del andre gjester, er klare med De Gjenlevende 16. mars.
«Jorge Blutaar, the band’s lyricist, recently briefly explained the concept behind the album, which draws its inspiration from Pan-European folklore, ontology, and elegies. «Its five contemplative texts tell of the utter dreadfulness that haunts both the human mind and body when the season of winter holds every living thing in its grasp. Winter is the time of utter gloom, enfeeblement and inescapable death, which challenges mankind, beasts and plants equally. Yet, as long as there is life, there is hope, and eventually a new era of the Sun will bring to an end the seemingly eternal darkness of winter. With the arrival of spring hope and life will flourish once more. It is a portrayal of this cyclical process of transformation that is as old as the history of mankind itself».
Once again, Galar
offers an epic and monumental album, that also sees the band exploring a bit more harsher and extreme sound without losing their special symphonic elements.»
Bandets musikk forklares som episk, symfonisk og extrem folkblack, så har du et hint om hva som venter. Du kan sjekke de ut live på årets Infernofestival.
- De gjenlevende
- Natt … og taust et forglemt liv
- Bøkens hymne
- Ljós
- Gjeternes tunge steg
- Tusen kall til solsang ny