Bandet kom nylig med ep, sjekk den her.
Maltuka, Bergensthrash

Festivalen, som finner sted i Oslo, har gjenoppstått etter en liten pause.
Tidspunktet er 25. -. 27. september@Sub Scene, her er banda (det mangler ett).
Sakset fra hjemmesiden: «There have been 4 long years with silence since Nordicfest had the epic 10th anniversary in November 2011. It was a Grand finale for sure, and we have a lot of wonderful memories. This was the perfect way to end an era.. But in the aftermath of the anniversary we could feel that our hearts were still not at peace. A yearning slowly grew through the silence and after a while it gave life to a dream. A dream of gathering the family again..
Now the time is here!
From the shadows of the valley of death, Nordicfest is resurrected!
This time we will give you a festival that is musically more brutal and extreme then ever before! Blasting bands and amazing people will come together and celebrate faith and friendship! It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you to Nordicfest 2015 – The Resurrection! See you in Oslo in September!»