Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Det er med tungt hjerte jeg meddeler denne nyheten.
Corna melder dette på sin Facebookside
nå idag. Her er en tekst sakser derfra:
«It is with great sadness we have to report to followers and friends that we have lost our best friend and bandmate; Geir Erik Heigård. The day before he past away we had a band rehershal together with lots of laughs and great playing. Geir Erik showed us his musical talent that night. We where playing some cover songs, and after finishing 18 And Life with Skid Row we all agreed that it was a really good play through. Geir Erik then replied that he never had played the song before, in fact he had never heard it.
We will forever miss you and your great humor. Your memory and great music will forever be in our hearts. Our condolences to the family and close friends. Rest in peace our good friend.»
Minneside og mulighet til å legge igjen kondolanser finner du HER. kondolerer masse til venner og familie.
Bildet er knipset av Boris Danielsen under bandets konsert i Sandvika
20. februar i år.