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Chemtrails over Oslo

Ny lyricvideo, og konserter (Stavanger i kveld!!)
Nyhet fra 26.02.18:
Skive kommer om noen dager, konsertliste leser du her.
Albumet bærer tittelen ‘Natur’, og kommer i handel 9. mars via Fysisk Format. Og vi snakker politikk, samer og ondt blod.
«Natur is a scream from the far north. Made 100 years after the first indigenous political organizing in Norway, this is a Sami call to arms against the on-going colonization and oppression. The album is the Norwegian hardcore unit’s second and offers a blend of hardcore, grim metal and catchy punk, resulting in an album that could be called the polar bear mates of Pet Sounds.»
«With Natur, Ondt Blod have made an album that is both a razor sharp political confrontation and a hedonistic celebration. Prepare to be colonized!»