Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Bandet leverer hardrock med store refrenger og feite riff. Det ifølge presseskrivet jeg fikk fra Anastasia.
«The album wears its heavy rock influences on its sleeve as the band approaches every track with a fast ’n loose attitude and teeth-gritting intensity.»
Bandet, som startet opp i 2015, har skapet en «…unique blend of versatile vocals, groove-laden drum-beats and a crushing-blend of riffs and bass lines which capture the true spirit of what rock and roll is all about.»
Gitarist Scott forteller: «We’re very excited to share our debut full length album with everyone. Where The Evil Things Dwell reflects our genuine passion for rock and roll and all things heavy. We think that maintaining a straight-forward approach to music should be an important part of every creative endeavour.
Every time we came together to play, our goal was to play loud, stress free music that can get everyone to tap their feet along to it. Those fun-filled and high octane jam sessions yielded the album tracks.»
Albumet ‘Where The Evil Things Dwell’ kommer ut 18. mai, og du kan smake på låten ‘Stroll On’ og tittelkuttet under her: