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Tre videopremierer fra Mighty Music
Det danske selskapet slipper tre videoer i dag. Fernando@Mighty Music gir eksklusivitet i Norge på disse.
Resumed er klar med klippe til låten ‘Year Zero’, som er hentet fra de italienske dødssmetallernes nye album ved samme navn. Trommeslager Filippo om låten: «Besides being the title track of the album, Year Zero is also its last song and the conclusion of the concept story. It made perfect sense to release this song as a lyric video, since it fully embraces the meaning and moral of the whole album. The song is divided in 5 movements, and deals with the consequences of the natural cataclysm that has just occurred, almost completely destroying the human civilization. After such disaster, the few survivors have a chance to reflect on the bad choices the human race has made in the past, and try to rebuild a new society in a better way.»
Prog/hardrock (jeg vil nok kalle det (poprock) fra Purser Deverill, låten ‘Factor X’ sjekker du ut under her.
«A hard rocking prog anthem taken from the latest album Square One. Produced, engineered, mixed and mastered by Fred Purser with Jon Deverill (x-Tygers Of Pan Tang).
Electric Boys kjenner de fleste til? Bandet er er ute med nytt album, ‘The Ghost Ward Diaries’, under her får du smake på ‘Gone Gone Gone’.
Conny Bloom: «Gone Gone Gone is about a dear friend who was a musician, who passed away a few years ago. It’s our tribute to him and to heroes and loved ones that we’ve lost over the years».