Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Bilde, fotograf: Fredrik Eotall
Bandet frister med ny video.
Det er Darren@Warner Music som tipser. Og singelen ’Hold Your Head Up’ kommer online på streamingtjenester rett over midnatt – men videoen ser du her nå :). Som jeg har meldt inn tidligere,
er det kun snakk om denne låten, en ny skive er ventet sent neste år eller tidlig i 2025.
«Today Europe are very pleased to be sharing the official music video for the song with all their fans worldwide. The video offers a glimpse into the brand-new documentary that the band have been busy filming with producer / director Craig Hooper (Deep Purple / Saxon) for Coolhead Productions simply entitled Europe The Movie. The film will tell the story of the band, from formation until present day, telling of their rise to success in the mid 80’s, through hard times and heartache to coming back in the millennium and the current successes the band has achieved. This is set for release in early 2024.»