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Chemtrails over Oslo

Siste smakebit før slippet av liveskiva er her.
Det var Fernando@Mighty Music som sendte over klippet.
Raw Live (At Copenhell) slippes 2. februar via Mighty Music, formater er cd, lp (svart vinyl) og digitalt.
Released in 1990 in the album with the same title, By Inheritance is, because of this, one of the oldest tracks in Artillery’s live set and one of the great thrash classics of the band.
«Artillery is not a band of many live albums, In fact, in over four decades, they have put out just one. Until now. So, when it’s bound to happen, it should be special. Enter Raw Live (At Copenhell). Recorded in 2022, just coming out of pandemics lockout, in one of the biggest metal festivals in their home country (and among the biggest metal festivals in Europe!), the live set by the Danes was impeccable.
Sadly, it was also one of the last live appearances by drummer Josua Madsen, who was killed the next year in a car accident. It also marks a turning point for the veteran thrashers, who recently said goodbye to vocalist Michael Bastholm Dahl and guitar player Kraen Meier and are looking forward to an exciting new era ahead.»
Nyhet fra 15.12.24:
Danskene slipper liveskive neste år, smak her.
Det er Fernando@Mighty Music som tipser, skiva kommer tidlig neste år.
«To celebrate Artillery’s upcoming live album Raw Live (At Copenhell), the band releases, in digital single and lyric video formats, the track The Challenge, from the record. The Challenge is one of the oldest tracks in Artillery’s live set, having been originally recorded in 1986, in the Terror Squad demo. It’s a call to arms to all Artillery fans in the audience, an old-school 80s thrash metal war cry that leaves no Artillery concertgoer indifferent.»