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Beardfish, nytt album, smakebit
Nytt album fra de svenske proggerne kommer 12. januar, klikk deg inn her og smak.
Albumet, som heter noe så merkelig som ’+4626-Comfortzone’, dukker opp på Inside Out Music.
Her er hva bandet sier om Hold On, låten du skal få høre: «Hold On was one of the first songs that came along for +4626-Comfortzone and it sort of set the mood for the rest of the album with the rhythm and the intertwined guitar riffs and melodies. The lyrics deal with trying to hang on to something that is slipping out of grasp and not being in connection with your inner self, to the point that you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror. A song that felt great right from the start and it still keeps getting better every time we play it live! Hope you’ll like it!»