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Infernofestivalen 2025

av yngve

Bandslipp i dag:

"It is time to release our first batch of artists for Inferno Metal Festival 2025! Next year’s festival will take place during Easter in Oslo, Norway, from the 17th to the 20th of April, 2025. We are proud to announce 1349, Blood Incantation, Aeternus, Seth, Abyssic, Spectral Wound, Angist, Bythos, Syn, and VMO Violent Magic Orchestra for Inferno 2025! More artists will be announced soon!"

Billetter hanker du inn HER .


Så, lineup pr. idag er:

  • 1349
  • Abyssic
  • Aeternus
  • Angist
  • Blood Incantation
  • Bythos
  • Seth
  • Spectral Wound
  • Syn
  • VMO Violent Magic Orchestra

Arrangementet på Facebook

449789426 972781604641180 5390943844265454027 N