Vicinity, hold avstand! (videopremiere)

Vicinity Singel 24

Trønderne slipper ny video idag, premierealarm!

Takk til Fernando@Mighty Music for tips. Skiva, ‘VII’, kommer på 2lp, cd og i digital drakt 8. mars. Selskapet er Uprising Records.

«After announcing their new album VIII, Norwegian progsters Vicinity will now release a new digital single – the second – from the upcoming record. Distance is the chosen song this time and it will be released in an official video too. A direct, riff-based track, with a verse almost leaning into synthwave. The lyrical theme dwells on some of the darker tendencies of the human psyche. The song leans both into traditional prog metal bands like Threshold, as well as newer acts like Haken


Nyhet fra 26.01.24:

Vicinity 24 Album

Progmetalbandet slipper video i dag.


Nordmennene er underlagt danske Mighty Music, som slipper bandets kommende album senere i år. Første singel og video ser og hører du under her. Tipset kom fra Fernando@Mighty Music.

«A progressive 
metal tune that showcases the technical sides of Vicinity, while maintaining their affinity for 
strong melodies and relatable lyrical themes. This is also the first song to be released with 
new vocalist Erling Malm. Fans of bands like Threshold, Circus Maximus and Dream 

Theater should really check this one out.»

Bandbilde, fotografer:  Daniel Almli og Steffen Normark, editing av Remedy Art Design

Vicinity Band 24 Fotograf Daniel Almli Og Steffen Normark Editing Av Remedy Art Design